Naše podjetje ima dolgo tradicijo saj se ukvarja s prevozi že od leta 1982.

O nas

Trenutno imamo na razpolago 15 avto transporterjev, kamionov za prevoz vozil, ki pokrivajo destinacije po vsej Evropi, : Nemčija, Italijo, Španijo, Švico, Francijo.. Kamioni izpolnjujejo novi EU standard (EUR 6). V naši ponudbi je tudi možnost zbirnika enega ali več vozil iz cele Evrope in dostava direktno do stranke ali lastni parkirni prostor varovan z video nadzorom. Poleg tega imamo objekt z lastnim servisom, kar nam omogoča, da smo kar se da točni in hitri. Poleg objekta je možno zavarovano skladiščenje za avtomobile. Parkirni in delavniški prostori so na Jagrovi ulici 14, Sela, Lavrica, 1291 Škofljica

About us

We currently have 15 auto transporters, trucks for vehicles transport covering destinations all over Europe: Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France. All trucks meet the new EU standard (EUR 6). We also offer the possibility of collecting and loading one or more vehicles from all over Europe and transporting it directly to the customer or to our own parking space that is protected by video surveillance. In addition our facility has its own workshop and truck service, which allows us to be as punctual and fast as possible. Next to the facility it is possible to storage cars securly. Parking and workshop facilities are at Jagrova ulica 14, Sela, Lavrica, 1291 Škofljica.


Tel: +386 (0)1 366 38 36
Tel: +386 (0)1 366 34 16
Fax: +386 (0)1 366 38 38
GSM: +386 (0)41 269 064


Galerija slik



Transporti Maver d.o.o.

Dolenjska cesta 328

Lavrica, Škofljica 1291

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